Frequently Asked Questions

Types of Benefits

You may be entitled to receive Past Due Benefits, Future Benefits and Health Care Benefits.

Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (sometimes called SSDI, DIB, or Social Security Disability)
To qualify for these benefits:

  • You must have been disabled for twelve months or be expected to be disabled for twelve months.
  • You must have worked approximately 5 full years out of the past 10 years.
  • Your disability may be physical, mental/emotional or a combination of these.
  • This is an insurance benefit paid to those who have been paying into the Social Security System.
  • Net worth and most household income will not prevent you from receiving Social Security Disability or affect the amount of your benefits.

Supplemental Security Income
This program is for the very young, elderly, blind, or disabled, even if you have never worked.
There are several qualifications:

  • You must prove that you are disabled, or will be unable to work for at least 12 months.
  • You cannot have more than $2,000 ( if single), or $3,000 ( for married couple) in liquid assets, or own more than one home.
  • If there is household income it can reduce or eliminate the amount of this benefit.

There are three administrative levels (in most states):

  1. The initial application level
  2. The reconsideration level
  3. The Hearing level before an administrative law judge, which we attend with you.

We prefer to begin with the initial application and assist people throughout all levels.

The additional levels are appellate in nature:
An appeal to the Appeals Council (where any Unfavorable Decision by the administrative law judge may be overturned), and an appeal to Federal District Court.

Other Important Information

There is a fee structure that we operate under which is set by federal statute: That structure allows us a fee if we win your case. When we win your case, we are allowed a fee of 25% of your potential past due benefits, up to a maximum fee of $6,000. If we win your case and we have had to pay out of pocket expenses to obtain medical records, you will reimburse us for those expenses when you start receiving payments.

If you are drawing unemployment compensation and/or workers compensation benefits those will reduce the amount of benefits you could potentially receive. Unemployment compensation could prevent you from receiving any past due benefits but would not prevent you being awarded benefits.